
Vneste kúsok rozprávkového sveta na vašu párty

Bring the fairytale world to your party


Every little girl deserves the chance to feel like a princess, fairy or a character from her favorite TV show or movie! Give her a chance to dress their favorite costumes and jump into the world of fairytales. While the costume is a big part, hair style is an equally important one.

She can finally fashion her favorite hair style directly taken from the fairytale world. Colorful, long or short, with beautiful decorations or plane, we guarantee that your girl’s hair style will help her immerse in the fairytale and finally become the princess she was always meant to be.

What We Offer

What We offer

We are styling the hair of your little girl according to different themes. It can be Minnie, Frozen or just according to her preferences. Feel free to choose one of our plans.


Are you invited to any celebration? Do you plan a fotoshooting or you go to carnival? We visit your premises at your convenience to style your little girl’s hair according to her preferences. Ideal as a birthday present.


Do you plan a thematic birthday party? We visit your premises to style your little girl and her friends, creating an amazing atmosphere in the party. This package is ideal for creating an amazing experience at the birthday party.


We are happy to adjust the place, the time and other aspects to your preferences. Contact us so we can bring all the details into dreamy end together.

Creating a magical experience

Creating a magical experience

We have provided unparalleled happiness and changed the party atmosphere for many families. Here are a few of our creations.

Where to find us?

Where to find us?

Contact person: Marianna Friedmanova

Phone: +421 902 160 445


Visit our premises on Hany Melickovej 1B, 841 05, Bratislava

Place your order

    • Place of birthday party
    • Your phone number
  • Any additional information such as theme, number of kids or any special request.